Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Dear 1

Dear Father,

I'm not really sure where to begin, so I'm just going to tell you what's in my heart and my spirit. I love you, and am so very grateful for you and to you. I would not be here if it weren't for you. You have taken me out of so many near death situations that I CAN'T DOUBT YOU! Though me being human, and not with out sin, makes my ask the question "why?" frequently, I know that you have a purpose for me and it assures me that everything is going to be alright.
I am thankful that you have BLESSED me with EVERY SINGLE PERSON that I have come in contact with over the last 28 years, for I know it has made me stronger, more loving, and a better Christian.
I know you know where I am today, and exactly how I got here, but I still feel you next to me. My spirit is being tried....but, I remain faithful to you! I have continued to fellowship, worship, and praise YOU! I want, and know I NEED to do more...I am working on that.
I ask that you continue blessing me, my family, my friends, and anyone I have ever come in contact with, for they have assisted me on my path.

Father, I love you....

Your Child,

Amber Anique Basnight

The Dangers of ADHD

I don't mind that I have ADHD...actually, I think I prefer this illness to others, and I couldn't imagine not having it. The diagnosis was the best part of it. Knowing that it wasn't just "ME" was a huge relief. But, it does come wwith some draw backs. Now that I am on meds, I have no excuse...other than the fact that it may not be enough mg's, but I can do ok with what I have.
Consistancy is my problem, amongst a few others. I am not consistant with taking my meds. I mean, I am ok with the fact that I'll be on them forever and ever Amen. However, I have my days where I don't feel like taking them, or I simply forget, even though I am reminding myself throughout the day to take them.
What happens when I don't take them??
Well, for starters, I am VERY MOODY!! I mean it goes from one mood to the next in less than a second. I, most of the time, if asked how I'm doing, will always answer "I don't know"....because I don't.
Then there is the spontaneous part.
Yesterday, I didn't take my, I decided that I am moving back to Atlanta next month, December. I started placing phone calls to my family and friends informing them of such, and asking them for assistance finding a quick job there to get me on my feet. Also, keep in mind that I still have no car...nor a place to live. But, yesterday, none of this mattered to me in the least bit! The scary part is, had I had a car, I'd be moving this weekend.
Off meds, you never know what to expect from moment to moment.
On meds, at least you'll get a heads up.
With all of this said, today I woke up and promptly took my meds....which is why I am able to complete this post. Other voices don't tell me not to, my own voice tells me that that particular day isn't a good day to take my meds, so I don't...Maybe I should stop listening to myself...What do you think?!?

Monday, November 26, 2007


This past year has been an interesting one to say the least. With Thanksgiving just passing, Christmas upon us, and the year coming to an end, I feel the need to really express my Thanks to the people who have not only played a huge part in my life this year....but in my life PERIOD. I will be writing seperate posts for everyone to assure myself that I've covered everything for every topic. This list includes, of course, first, God....and my blog family/friends. I have a lot to say for each person, so please forgive me for the length of each post.

Much Love!
Amber Anique

Friday, November 16, 2007

What I Know

I know that I'm a GREAT ACTRESS!!! I can't tell you how I know, but I should have won several Oscar's by now. If I feel it and believe it with becomes so VERY real to me!
And..I can do it without telling a lie! Now, who's better than me?!
Lol! If it wasn't for that whole "fear of rejection" thing, I would be another Halle Berry...or better! :)

Thursday, November 8, 2007

I Know

I need to give you an update. I've been in lala REAL reason not to blog...I just haven't. Been a little overwhelmed with a few things in my life, and need to focus. I guess I'll have to begin somewhere huh?
What's worse is I haven't even been checking on my blog family...I'm the WORST!!!
I pray that everyone is doing well, and I haven't missed too much of your lives!
Promise to get updated soon, and update you all on my goings on...MUCH LOVE!!!!