I haven't been to the pdoc in a month. Yeah, I know, I should have gone. But, I really didn't feel like going. I'm just not in the mood to discuss all f the things that are going wrong. I don't feel like having someone MAKE me face the realities that is my life. I'd just rather deal with them when I'm ready. When will I be ready? Who knows! But, I know I need to come up with a good excuse by Monday. I have to see the pdoc & tdoc on Monday in order to re-up my meds....SHUCKS....
The scariest part for me, I think, is the weigh in...I know I've lost a lot of weight, but I'll find out the actual number at the docs office. The last time I weighed myself, I was 125lbs, in a size 4....well...I'm a bit smaller than that now.
OK, "a bit" i an understatement...I don't know how much I weigh, but I do know my size is between 0 & 1.... :-0
Is that REALLY BAD?!?
My weight loss is noticeable, however, family, friends, co-workers, and my "bf" claim that I don't look sick...just very small.
I'll post pics, before & after soon...and you can tell me.
1 Other Thoughts:
I know how you feel about the pdoc. When stuff is bad the last thing I want to do is effective make a list of it all! I'd rather think about it as little as possible thanks!
I don't know what sizes are like in US but in UK then a size zero is pretty thin. Of course it depends on your age and height. Having said that a drop from 4 to 0 is pretty severe! Just look after yourself 'kay? :)
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