Saturday, June 23, 2007

Where I've Been

I've been around...just not around here. Actually, I went out of town. There is no excuse for me not blogging because I brought my computer with me. My consistantcy with everything has been off. I'm backed up on blogging, reading blogs, taking meds....and a numerous amount of other things. I keep saying that I'm going to do it...whatever "it" may be...I start, and then a few days later, I stop. 

My baby sister just had a baby. When I heard she was going into labor, I took a next day flight down to Atlanta. I kept trying to convince myself, during her pregnancy, that I could be of no use to her while I'm still trying to get my head straight, but I believe I was a very big way. 
I've had so much fun over the last 2 weeks, and while my sister may say I've been a big help, I'd say that they've (my family) been a big help to me. I would have been kicking my own ass for years to come had I not been here to help. Being around my sister and brother has always brought a huge amount of calm around me. They make me laugh and smile for no reason. My sister's boyfriend told me that I need to move back to Atlanta. I asked why and he told me because all three of us are a lot happier when we are together. He said he's never seen my sister this happy. My friends in NYC were calling through out the 2 weeks and they noticed how happy and calm I sounded.
Being with my brother and sister does fill me with joy, but they don't really support my meds. They don't really understand, so I can't be mad at them. I tried to stay off of them as much as possible during my time here, which in turn kept me racey. I was unable to sit down and do anything other than watch movies with my family, and talk during them...only because we've seen the movies before...I hate when people talk during movies! 
I hate to leave my family, but it's time to return to my life in NYC. And, I have to set aside time to catch up with all of your blogs. I pray all is well! See you soon!!

2 Other Thoughts:

nadcesca said...

wow! my baby sister had her baby 2 weeks ago also. And I've not been bloggin. Didn't feel like it either. Just sat back, cut on my meds and took life has it came. Been more comfortable and happy as I haven't been in months. So I totally understand. Just glad to know you are doing well. Oh and congrats Aunty!!! xx

Butterfly said...

Hmmm, moving to Atlanta?


I'l allow it :-)