Saturday, March 8, 2008


I know, I'm slacking, for real!!!
I don't have any excuses....other than the fact that I'm doing ok.
I'm am the extremist!!!
It's either one extreme or the other. I'm either blogging all the time, or not at all. I'm trying to find a balance, but this has always been difficult for me. Now that I'm working again, it's the same "workaholic" mentality that everyone knows and loves, lol....SARCASIM, OF COURSE!
The good thing about my job is I don't, and can't, take my work home with me. So, no more sleeping with Profit & Loss Statements for me. I only sleep with my boyfriend :-)
For the most part, I am very happy. I'm a little more stable, probably because I make sure I take my meds, EVERYDAY!

I do have a few things to update you on, and since it's such a sloppy day out, I think we'll be staying in tonight, so, I should be able to get in a few posts.

Hang tight for a sec......

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