Saturday, March 15, 2008

Thanks Daddy-s!!!

I have two father's.....and, today, I just have to say thank you to both of them!

I couldn't have asked for a better support system today. I didn't know what to do. All I could do is shed tears of frustration.
Through all of this, they were able to hear me....and, really, for once, I was able to HEAR them!

I spent all of this morning popping Xanax, to no avail. What I was seeking was that calm that allows you to think, and feel, rationally. It didn't happen. I think I started taking them after my anxiety attack was already in full gear...stupid!!!

My Daddy in NYC, held me, as I cried, asked what was wrong, and assured me that everything was going to be ok.
My Daddy in South Carolina called me and reminded me of who was important, and that I had to take care of me first.
That's something I often forget.
They both told me that I will have their full support no matter what my final decision is. I knew that already....but, sometimes, it feels better for it to be confirmed.

They don't read my blogs....but, I had to let you all know how grateful & lucky I am to have 2 of the BEST FATHER'S IN THE WORLD!!!

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