Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Not much to report here. Ok, maybe that's not the complete truth....I took myself of meds until my next p/tdoc appt. Why? Because I feel like my skin is attacking me. And I honestly believe it's from an allergic reaction to all of my meds. Hey, I'm no doctor, there's a small chance I could be wrong...but, what if I'm RIGHT?! For example...I normally shave my legs with a specific razor and a specific gel by Skintimates..I always have a clean razor btw!
Anyway, lately, I shave and I get what I can only describe as shaving hives or rash...whatever it is, I have been scratching off layers of skin! NOT A GOOD LOOK!!! So, I try something different, I use an electric shaver...I thought it was a rather brilliant idea if I do say so myself! What happened??? The same fucking thing as me shaving with a razor...my legs have bruises & whelps(sp), and is turning the raw red color. NOT GOOD! Well, I learned my lesson from my bikini area, I guess this is the lesson that I'll learn for my leg...WAX ONLY...ERRR...WAX ON, WAX OFF! LMBO!!! I'M LAUGHING AS I SCRATCH MY LEGS...sigh....oh well, I can't have it all!

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