I want to be happy! I don't just want to "BE"...I want to "BE" happy! How does one do that with a mental illness and have the happy feeling be genuine?
I want to be happy! I don't just want to "BE"...I want to "BE" happy! How does one do that with a mental illness and have the happy feeling be genuine?
Inside of
Amber Anique
8:04 PM
3 Other Thoughts:
search and find things that you love. Because enthralled in them. Just be careful not the neglect the waking world.
Actually I'm probably not the best person to give this advice, because I often go deep into the shell that I create and everyone has to work to get me back out.
But basically do things that you love and you will "be" happy. But I know exactly the way you feel - just normal - just there. Sorry I didn't have something more helpful.
Later, Ash out...
Happiness it is something I have search for so long. I've finally find it. I had to work hard, It wasn't easy. Don't give up. It is closer than you think! Just to ask yourself the question how to be happy is a good start! What would make you happy? Visualize yourself as an happy person! What do you see? Write it down. make yourself little goal to get to the think your just wrote! Hang in there!
How do I answer that?
Next question please.
How about you gotta want it bad enough that it consumes your every thought and deed.
Hmmmm. I haven't mastered it yet.
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