Sunday, October 7, 2007


Why do I feel the need to make everyone feel comfortable with me being "me"?

I don't share with everyone anymore...I'm very selective! But, I want the people who "love" me to know exactly what I'm up against. I try to explain, and give them sites to research..but everyone just will not "get it". My bff said that I was like that, I denied it. But, after sitting here for the last 30 minutes, I realized she was right! She's right alot...I hate that! LOL!!! She also mentioned that I've gotten soft...WHAT?!?!? WHO?!?!? ME?!?! Yeah, I have, again, she's right! 
I used to have an "I don't give a shit, stay or leave" attitude, but now, EVERYONE IS GETTING CHANCE AFTER CHANCE! Even though they, technically, don't deserve it. goes...STAY OR LEAVE...AT THIS POINT, I DON'T GIVE A SHIT!!!! IF YOU REALLY "LOVE" ME, THEN YOU'LL STAY! IF NOT...YOUR SEASON HAS COME AND GONE...ENJOY YOUR BLESSINGS, AND LEAVE ME ALONE!!!! That goes for ANYONE WHO IS ON THE SHIT LIST!!! MY PATIENCE has left the building, on and off meds!!!! 
Come to think about it, I have no reason to be "overly nice" to anyone! No one has done anything different to receive special treatment! As my bff would say...."Don't be sorry, be different"!

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