Is It Too Much To Ask
I want to say it's me, I even want to go as far as pointing out that I'm not 100% on my meds, but not this time. Sometimes I over react, and other times I'm alarmingly calm. But, IS IT TOO MUCH TO ASK FOR SOME FUCKING COURTESY?!? For instance..if you are supposed to be meeting me somewhere at 8pm, and it's 7:45pm and you are nowhere near the agreed upon meeting place, PICK UP THE MUTHAFUCKIN' CELL PHONE!! Or, if you've volunteered to assist anyone, not just me, and you have no intention on showing up...PICK UP YOUR MUTHAFUCKIN' CELL PHONE!! Tell me why I must be left on hold! WHY?!? HAVE YOU LOST THE LITTLE BIT OF COMMON SENSE THAT GOD GAVE YOU, OR ARE YOU JUST THAT FUCKIN' STUPID! Yes, these things piss any normal person off, but for me...minus's magnified times ONE BILLION...IN OTHER WORDS, YOU MUST BE BEGGING ME TO WILD OUT!!!! Ok, I feel a little better now...whew...ok, I'm calm...and now we will return to your regularly scheduled program!