Monday, March 5, 2007


It's funny to me that I am such an advocate of meds. Funny, but not. The chance I'm taking is huge! Why do I think this? Well, it's's the side effects. You know, when you hear an advertisement on tv, they read the precautions faster than an auctioneer. But, as a person with mental disability, we have to make a choice, and take a chance. And, the choices are rather straight forward...Live or Die. It's just that simple. For me anyway. Meds assist in living. They don't cure, they assist in giving you life. No meds = depression & suicidal thoughts. Each case is different. Why suicidal thoughts? Because it's a means to an end. Ending bitterness, confusion, mental chaos, and instability.
I made a choice. Guess what it was.

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